5 Things To Look For: Hiring A Graphic Designer

No business can succeed without design. Bold statement, I know, but I stand by it.

Good design distinguishes your business from your competitors, helps you resonate with your most ideal clients and customers and encourages them to take action, such as buying. That last part is what businesses need to succeed and design helps through all the phases of getting there.

There are many, many talented graphic designers out there but, as a graphic designer myself, let me tell you that skill and style are pieces in a much larger puzzle in your search for finding the right graphic designer for your business.

A graphic designer’s portfolio may be full of beautiful work that you resonate with but being in sync on style is just the beginning. Here are 5 things to look for when hiring a graphic designer for your business.

  1. Expertise & Style

    Does her portfolio show a mastery of basic design principles? Although, you probably don’t know what those are, so maybe the better question is, do you like the way pieces in her portfolio look? Are you captivated by her design work? If yes, then your clients and customers likely would be too.

  2. Experience

    Has she worked with businesses similar to yours? How big or small is her portfolio? While not necessarily a deal breaker, working with businesses similar to yours means that she already has an understanding of what motivates your clients and customers because she’s done it before. Same could be said for a large portfolio, the more design work her portfolio showcases, the more experience she has which means she’ll be able to provide immense value to your business.

  3. Pricing & Availability

    Is her pricing within your budget? Is she available for your projects? There is no one single way to have a graphic designer on your team. Some work on a retainer basis while others work project-by-project on an “as-needed” basis. Make sure to discuss what you’re looking for and ask a potential graphic designer what the pricing and timeline for those needs would be. (BONUS: she should be able to quote an approximate price and timeline BEFORE a project begins. A good graphic designer should outline clear expectations on these points.)

  4. Communication

    Do you feel like you can speak candidly with her? Can you communicate what you’re looking for and provide feedback easily? This is so important. It is almost always valuable to hop on a “getting to know you” call before hiring a graphic designer, simply to determine if you feel comfortable in a conversation.

  5. Values & Design Approach

    Does she take time to get to know you and your business? Does her graphic design work intentional or just looks pretty? A designer who simply wants to get the job done and spends little time getting to know what makes you different will ultimately leave you unhappy with a finished product that doesn’t look any different from your competitors.

If you’ve never hired a graphic designer before, there’s nothing wrong with letting her know! An experienced and professional graphic designer understands businesses move through phases and they have the skills and experience to meet you where you are AND help you grow into the next one.



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